Power Insight
The Power insight Configurator is a Windows PC based software tool that, in conjunction with the Power Insight Adapter, allows the converter power stack designer to:
- Configure an Amantys gate driver in situ;
- Download event counters from the gate driver;
- Update the firmware of the gate drive and the Power Insight Adapter;
- Save Diagnostic information from the gate drive for fault diagnosis; and
- Generate double pulse test waveforms for the IGBT and the gate drive.
Configuration Pane
The configuration pane shows which gate drivers are connected to the Power Insight Adapter along with their serial numbers and IP address. From this pane the gate drive parameters such as Rg(on), Rg(off) and timings can be changed by the user.

Pulse Generator Pane
The Pulse Generator Pane allows the user to generate double pulse tests without the need for additional hardware to control the gate drivers. Pulse tests can be saved in a file to be loaded and reused at a later date.